Uberific Weekend

Edward Angeles Agnasan
3 min readMar 1, 2019

Good afternoon folks! Since I started my day with a can of coffee and some grocery store bought muffins (which is btw, very cheap but delicious), it’s time to face the sun and the sand and get some writing done.

For those who know me very well, I’m not the type who talks about me very often, but today I might make an exception! Kidding aside.

So what do we have? This weekend, let’s talk about rides and privileges.

I woke up this morning with a very unexpected yet exciting email.

#Uber just emailed me that I qualified for March’s UberVIP.

If you are not aware of #UberVIP, it is an exclusive reward the company gives to riders who booked their service 10 or more times the previous month.

I experienced it this month as well because unknowingly we booked more than 10 rides last January, but that was history.

If you’re thinking that I’m riding with them purposely to get this perk, nahhh it comes naturally and some of my rides are work related.

So another amazing feature #Uber extend to their riders, is this weekly promotion wherein you’ll have 5–50% rides, that’s so cool right?

So what are you waiting for?

Go download the app and use this code to sign up.


P.S. UberEats’ service charge is the cheapest too, so if you’re hungry, you know what to do😉

So much for that! 🙂 See this post isn’t about me after all.

I just got excited because part of this month’s perk is the ticket for the Dubai Art Fair, if only my prayers would be answered, it would be ideal going there with the person I want to be with.



Edward Angeles Agnasan

Francis Edward by birth, but Francis is too saintly, and Edward fits my purpose of ”Doing great things” better. Just my opinion :) Curious and creative.